Monday, September 14, 2009

A Great Dribbling Drill That Will Keep You In Shape

This drill is definitely for the more advanced but by switching one ball with two, anyone can do it!

This is a two ball sequence that lasts 4 minutes. Take two balls and sit down in a squatted stance. Attempt to dribble them at the same time for 30 seconds. Immediately afterward, dribble both balls, alternating when they hit the ground, for another 30 seconds. Than proceed to dribble them at the same time side to side in front of you for another 30. Then, on the sides of you back to front for another 30 seconds.

The next 2 minutes are much more advanced. Attempt to dribble one ball very low with your left hand and the other ball higher in the air with your right. After 30 seconds, switch. The next minute involves, doing a behind the back with one hand while attempting a crossover with the other. After 30 seconds, switch.

This youtube clip will help explain most of these drills if you couldn't visualize them previously.

Get out there and keep working hard!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jump Higher! Add Inches to Your Vertical!

Everyone knows working hard will help you live a fit and healthy lifestyle, but many people do not know how to go about it. I found when I was at my most fit, I was also jumping as high as ever during basketball. Using basketball drills and playing sports is a fun and great way to stay fit.

Go out there and jump rope. It takes less time than running and will keep you in relatively good shape. It is the least complicated and most effective of all jumping drills.

If you want a more complex jumping regiment, check out this product. I used it as a professional basketball player and it did wonders! For those athletes who are more serious, this is definitely the workout for you. Just click the link. Click Here!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Let Me Introduce Myself..

My name is Matt Goldsmith and I am a former professional basketball player and a huge supporter of living a healthy and fit lifestyle! After playing college basketball and winning a National Championship in 2007, I have gone on to play professional basketball in Germany. Not only do I love basketball, but all sports as well!

This blog will be about everything I have learned throughout my athletic career and advice for you, the reader, about how to stay healthy and fit through sports, nutrition, and one's general lifestyle!

Thanks for coming to my site!